
This critical thinking assessment consists of a situation outlining the question's premise, followed by four statements on either assumptions, arguments or conclusions. A candidate must identify which of the statements following the premise are assumptions made, which of the arguments are strong or weak and which conclusions are valid.

Designed by subject matter experts, Mercer| Mettl's critical thinking test contains 21 questions to be completed in 30 minutes. Moreover, the skills of the candidate are evaluated on three levels - easy, medium and difficult.

Guidelines for test development

The test is developed as per the guidelines prescribed by Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing developed jointly by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education (1999), EFPA test review model, Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (EEOC, 1978), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's Principles for the Validation and Use of Personnel Selection Procedures (SIOP, 2003).

Assessment for HR Executives

HR psychometric test helps assess and hire candidates for HR profiles. Use these psychometric tools in HR recruitment for a better talent management strategy that ensures a future-ready team that is adept at people management, hiring and other HR functions.
With our partnership with Mercer | Mettl, you are able to hire based on a set of scientifically proven tactics and get individuals who have the key skills necessary to succeed in the role of a Human Resource personnel.

This assessment will test the following competencies:

Analytical Ability

Demonstrating the ability to analyse the given information from different perspectives by breaking it down into simple components and by structuring the information in a logical order to arrive at a solution.

Attention to Detail

Demonstrating thoroughness and accuracy in accomplishing a task and also capturing every minute detail, anywhere, at any point of time.

Verbal Ability

Demonstrating the ability to understand, comprehend and convey messages to be delivered effectively in a precise manner with clarity by formulating grammatically correct sentences.

Numerical Ability

Demonstrating the ability to perceive and process numbers and related symbols to perform basic arithmetic operations.

How to purchase the Assessment for HR Executives

For single purchase
(one user)

For more than one user
or multiple assessments

Please read the guide above before clicking the button below

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For single purchase (one user)

The test costs $25 per individual. Kindly pay using the “Pay for test” button.

After payment is made, please email info@midridgetalentacademy.com your receipt. 

In 48 – 72 working hours, you will be sent the link to the test so that you can get started.

For single purchase (one user)

For bulk purchases, kindly pay using the “Pay for test” button.
  • On the cart page, choose the number of users you want to take the test (by increasing the No. of Users number)
  • Proceed by clicking Proceed to Checkout, where you can input your details and make payment.
  • After payment is made, please email info@midridgetalentacademy.com indicating the names and email addresses of the individuals you wish to take the test

They will be sent an invitation link to take the test within 48 – 72 working hours.

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