Mobile Learning; The New Learning Hack

What is Mobile Learning?

On average, people spend hours on their phones ordering food, shopping, networking, and interacting with friends and family.
It’s no wonder that 93 per cent of employees desire training that’s as simple to complete as the conveniences they already have.
Mobile learning takes advantage of this by providing access to learning content to mobile users.

Benefits of Mobile Learning

Using mobile learning today can help your business succeed in the future. Leaders must recognize the promise of mobile technology for organizational learning since it is transforming how we live.

Let’s look at some of the most important advantages of mobile learning platforms:

1. A higher rate of course completion.

Employees may learn anywhere and at any time using mobile learning. The adaptability of mLearning eliminates the need to schedule certain learning times and locations. On their devices, employees have access to a wide choice of educational content. Learning should be included in your employees’ daily routines to aid in knowledge retention and course completion.

2. Faster Learning.

Employees benefit from bite-sized knowledge delivery through mobile learning. Learners can see as much (or as little) of the course as they like with on-demand training.
By minimizing cognitive overload, small amounts of information aid learning. mLearning takes it a step further by allowing virtual instructor-led training to be completed quickly and efficiently.

3. Enhances recall and retention of information

With online learning, students may go back and watch training courses as many times as they like.
Knowledge retention is an important part of organizational performance growth. Employees will be more likely to commit the subject matter to long-term memory if they have unlimited access to learning material.

4. A Higher Engagement Rate.

Simply put, mobile learning is convenient. mLearning helps to meet these demands and needs, as 89 per cent of employees wants training available anywhere and at any time they need it to complete their job.

Mobile Learning’s Drawbacks

Although mobile learning in the workplace has various benefits for your company, it also has a few drawbacks.

Software and hardware concerns, a probable lack of internet connectivity, and physical wear and tear on gadgets are just a few of the negatives.

All of these issues, however, may be readily solved by ensuring that your workplace (and your employees’ home offices) have a reliable internet connection, up-to-date software, and compatible gadgets.

Why Should You Use Mobile Learning In The Workplace?

For your staff, mobile learning makes training and development easier.

With mLearning, time zones, individual scheduling, and preferred learning venues are no longer an issue; your employees can learn at any time and from any location because all of the learning content is stored in their wallets.

As more firms implement remote work, managers must identify training and learning approaches that are appropriate for all employees.


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