Case study assessment is a tool to assess problem solving skills of management graduates. It helps measure the business acumen of candidates and helps identify candidates who have better decision-making skills.
This assessment by Mercer|Mettl uses case study simulation to assess a candidate’s business skills as it relates to problem solving and analysis ability. The candidate’s response on a given case situation is graded automatically for the approach and analysis and the final decision taken.
The tool provides a simulation of the actual job interview where a participant is given few case problems to solve. These problems are based on issues that corporates face worldwide.
This case study assessment has one case study question on problem-solving and decision-making skills. The candidate needs to analyze and arrive at the best possible conclusion given the case situation. The case study assesses the ability of a candidate to solve various problems by breaking them down into simple components and the ability to select a course of action among several alternative possibilities.
Designed by subject matter experts, the test consists of one question to be completed in thirty minutes. The test report can be used as a ready reference in subsequent interview rounds for further discussion and analysis with a candidate. The grading is based on the case analysis and decision-making skills of candidates - thus providing granular insight into the candidate's business skills.
© 2025 Midridge Talent Academy
The test costs $25 per individual. Kindly pay using the “Pay for test” button.
After payment is made, please email your receipt.
In 48 – 72 working hours, you will be sent the link to the test so that you can get started.
They will be sent an invitation link to take the test within 48 – 72 working hours.