Boost your organization’s productivity

Regardless of application volume, evaluate candidates’ skills, and exclude inappropriate candidates. MiTA’s scientifically designed exams help you hire high-performers, optimize hiring, and boost productivity.

Problem Solving Skills Assessment (Entry Level)

This assessment measures a candidate's thinking skills and ability to compare positive and negative solutions to a problem.

Corporate Communication Skills Assessment

This assesses listening, reading, and writing skills.

Assessment for HR Executives

Identify future-ready HR experts in hiring, people management, and other HR responsibilities.

Aptitude Test for Functional and Supervisory Roles

This assesses candidates' numerical ability, data processing, analytical thinking, and attention to detail.

Aptitude Test for Operations Executives/Associates

Operations executives are responsible for managing the daily tasks of a project. This is used to find the right fit for operations executive/associate roles in an organization.

Case Analysis and Decision Making Skills Assessment

Case study assessment is a tool to assess the problem-solving skills of management-level candidates. It helps measure the business acumen of candidates and helps identify candidates who have better decision-making skills.

Customer Care Representative Assessment

Industry specialists created this call center evaluation to evaluate a professional's technical and vocational skills for handling calls, customer inquiries, client concerns, etc.

The tests are designed to filter out non-suitable applicants from a large pool of candidates as well as predict job performance for all major roles within the organizational hierarchy.

They include:

The Problem Solving assessment helps in capturing whether a candidate has proper reasoning skills and if they are able to contemplate between positive and negative solutions to a problem.

This is used to assess language proficiency in listening, comprehension and writing.

This is used to help you select individuals who are future-ready and adept at people management, hiring and other HR functions.

This is used to test candidate on competencies such as attention to detail, numerical ability, data analysis and abstract reasoning among others.

Operations executives are responsible for managing the daily tasks of a project. This is used to find the right fit for operations executive/associate roles in an organization

Case study assessment is a tool to assess problem solving skills of management graduates. It helps measure the business acumen of candidates and helps identify candidates who have better decision-making skills.

Designed by subject-matter experts, this call centre assessment is especially meant to cater to the level of technical and vocational skills required in a professional dealing with inbound calls, customer queries, client concerns, etc.


Learn with Experts

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Learn Anything

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Flexible Learning

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Industrial Standart

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High Potential Identification


Blended Assessment & Development Center

Virtual Assessment & Development Center

Assessment Battery

360-Degree Feedback Tool